Be a part of the Yackandandah Women's Shed
Here are some ways you can participate:
In Person
our regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Yack Community Centre, High St, Yackandandah, from 2pm- 5pm
Interest Groups
Come along to one of our interest groups or start one of your own with other women who share your passion
Offer your expertise and knowledge - run a workshop or an information session. Get in touch with us to discuss your ideas.

Join Us
Our membership is $30 payable annually in January.
Becoming a financial member gives you entitlement to participate in all activities including workshops* and specially arranged outings (on and off site). Membership also covers members for insurance under the auspice arrangement with the Yackandandah Community Centre.
*Workshops may have an additional cost for materials and presenters
Click on the Join the Women's Shed button below to complete a Membership Application form. When you have submitted your form, please make your membership fee payment to:
YCC/Yackandandah Women's Shed
BSB: 803 070
Account: 100132084
Ref: Your name (membership)